Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Easter Bunny loves me

When I woke up on Easter Morning there was string tied to my bed. I tried to find my basket by pulling on the string. I followed it under the chair, down the stairs, I found my basket in the office. I like what the Easter Bunny does. It's fun.

In my basket there were chocolate chips (I'm kidding), there was really Reese's puffs, suckers, jelly beans, and boiled eggs that I colored. They were red, orange, green and yellow. My favorite color is red because I like it, yellow because it's cute and green because it's cool.

I like writing on my blog because it's so cute and because it's cool. I think I'm cute and cool too. Sami's cute too.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Preschool is so fun!

I love taking pictures with Mom and Dad. I love going swimming. At preschool we painted stuff and we colored and we had snacks. I love school. I love Miss Pateresa because she gives us snacks. What I love the most is painting. We do it with little shapes and they are squashy too. I love coloring at school. I just had my card turned once.

I love Miss Pateresa reading stories to us at school. My best one I like that's my favorite one is cleaning under the table. We clean up under the table for garbage and stuff and I like to get under there. My best buddy is Ethan at preschool. I was the kid of the month and Miss Pateresa said my poster is so cute! I just love to play with Ethan at school. It's so fun playing with him. I love playing with trains.

I love singing songs and dancing there too. We get to trade people and hug them while we dance. I hugged Ethan. We do belly button claps. We bump our tummies together. My favorite songs to sing are Ring around the Rosies and The Lady Who Swallowed a fly.